Switch to BulkMail Premium 👑 

Get 11% off (for new user)

29$ around 25.8$/Year

Use Code: NEW11

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The benefits of Premium 👑

Control Sending/ Block Protection

For Bulk cold emailing, add the delay between each email by specifying the desired pause time in seconds. AND also set & send Limited number of emails on each Run (Like. N emails on every X hr)
👑 BulkMail is the 1st add-ons with this feature.
These will helps to be safe while sending large numbers of emails without being blocked or flagged by Google

Track results in real time

Track opens and unsubscribes in real time from Google Sheets.
Email open count with time for each email.

Graphical Campaign Report

See performance of all campaign in the sheet. check which campaign preforms better, who is opening email frequently.
For premium client 🤴

No Email Signature

Remove the Email signature of BulkMail so that receiver will not be aware, You are using Bulk Emailing tools to send email to him.

Generate Drafts in Gmail

BulkMail is allows you to generate drafts from Sheet data to your Gmail account. Create Unlimited draft and then you can send it from Gmail. This option will reduce the chances of getting Blocked.

Transfer License at any time

You can transfer the BulkMail Premium to any other email id at anytime. This will save your money if your email id which has BulkMail Premium is blocked.

Privileged Support

Get Privileged support of all your query and support to set up the things.

For premium client 🤴

And Much More....